Hercules City Councilmember Roland Esquivias Endorses Buffy!

Hercules City Councilmember Roland Esquivias Endorses Buffy! I’m proud to have the endorsement of Hercules City Councilmember Roland Esquivias in my campaign for State Assembly! Roland is part a growing list of local endorsers who have backed my candidacy...

Piedmont Mayor Robert McBain Endorses Buffy!

Piedmont Mayor Robert McBain Endorses Buffy! ‪I’m proud to announce the addition of Piedmont Mayor Robert McBain to the list of local mayors in AD15 who have endorsed my campaign for State Assembly! The majority of mayors in AD15 now back my candidacy. Honored...

AD15 Candidate Buffy Wicks Hits Record 200th Houseparty

AD15 Candidate Buffy Wicks Hits Record 200th Houseparty Berkeley, CA. — California Assembly candidate Buffy Wicks held her 200th houseparty in AD 15 this weekend.  In addition, the Wicks for Assembly campaign knocked on more than 5,000 doors in AD 15 throughout...

Our 200th House Party!

Our 200th House Party! <iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2FBuffyForAssembly%2Fvideos%2F1165529376929144%2F&show_text=0&width=560" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no"...

AD15 Candidate Buffy Wicks Holds Canvass Activities This Weekend

AD15 Candidate Buffy Wicks Holds Canvass Activities This Weekend Berkeley, CA. — California Assembly candidate Buffy Wicks is executing an ambitious general election field program with success with 10 days left before ballots begin arriving in the mail. Buffy...