AD15 Candidate Buffy Wicks Holds Canvass Activities This Weekend
Berkeley, CA. — California Assembly candidate Buffy Wicks is executing an ambitious general election field program with success with 10 days left before ballots begin arriving in the mail.
Buffy will be holding the following canvass activities In addition to attending 6 supporter house parties:
Oakland Canvassing Launch
Berkeley HQ at 2930 Shattuck Ave in Berkeley
Saturday at 10:30 am
Co-canvass with Mayor Tom Butt
El Cerrito HQ at 11795 San Pablo Ave in El Cerrito
Saturday at noon
North Berkeley Canvass with Laurie Capitelli & the Berkeley Democratic Club
Berkeley HQ at 2930 Shattuck Ave in BerkeleY
Sunday at 10:30 am
A noted community organizer, Wicks is building on the campaign’s impressive grassroots operation that secured her overwhelming victory in June. Since Labor Day weekend, the campaign has knocked on over 20,000 doors in Assembly District 15 with plans to hit tens of thousands more in the final six weeks of the race. Buffy is also continuing her signature house party program, hosting over 195 community gatherings since she launched the campaign in May of 2017.
“Buffy is the organizers’ organizer,” said campaign manager Amelia Matier. “Talking to people about the issues that matter in their lives is at the core of who Buffy is and why she is running. We will continue to work the strongest voter contact program in the AD15 race because we know real progressive change can only come from the ground up.”
Buffy Wicks won the primary election because of the sheer power of community organizing. More than 500 active campaign volunteers who knocked on over 35,000 doors, texted over 60,000 voters and placed thousands of phone calls in the weeks leading up to the primary Election Day.
Progressive leaders endorsing Buffy include President Barack Obama, United States Senator Kamala Harris, California Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom, Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf, Richmond Mayor Tom Butt, El Cerrito Mayor Gabriel Quinto, Albany Mayor Peggy McQuaid, Emeryville Mayor John Bauters, Hercules Mayor Chris Kelley, and many other elected and community leaders across the district. In addition, she is endorsed by the East Bay Times and East Bay Express newspapers and the West Contra Costa County and Berkeley Democratic Clubs. Labor organizations supporting Buffy include the Building and Construction Trades Council of Alameda County, Northern California Carpenters Regional Council, LIUNA Laborers Local 324 and Local 304, Sheet Metal Workers Local 104, Plumbers & Steamfitters UA Local 342, Construction & General Laborers Local Union 304, Sprinkler Fitters & Apprentices Local 483, Heat & Frost Insulators, Allied Workers Local Union 16 and UFCW Local 5.
More information on Buffy’s platform and priorities can be found at www.buffywicks.com.

Email us: [email protected]
Buffy Wicks for Assembly 2024. FPPC #1456909