LIUNA 304 and 324 endorse Buffy!
Excited to add two LIUNA unions to our growing list of labor support! Thank you Laborers’ Local 304 and Laborers’ Local 324 for your endorsement!
“Laborers’ Local 304 and Laborers’ Local 324 are proud to endorse Buffy Wicks for California Assembly, District 15. Buffy has the skills to build the coalitions we need to pass progressive public policy that actually helps working families. I am confidant Buffy will work for and with our East Bay community to tackle the housing crisis, increase public education funding, protect access to healthcare and expand worker protections.” –Rafael Gonzalez, President Local 304 and George Griffin, VP Local 324#UnionStrong

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Buffy Wicks for Assembly 2024. FPPC #1456909