What we can do urgently to protect health care
As an organizer, you learn about the immense power citizens have if they put their minds to exercising it.
My career in public service started, like many, because of a personal connection. In 2003, I got an urgent call from a friend. It was a busy time; I was an organizer in the anti-war movement. But I hurried to meet him. He had tested positive for HIV. We sat together in a clinic in the Mission District, learning about T-cell counts and viral loads, treatments and survival rates. Still stunned by the news, he leaned over to me and said, “Buffy, I don’t have health insurance.”
Days later, President George W. Bush started dropping bombs on Iraq.
That day, I made up my mind: if I was going to help people like my friend, I needed a seat at the table. I wanted to fight back, by helping to build a
President Trump is doing everything he can to sabotage the ACA and our health care system at large, with no plan for what it should become. Last week, President Trump issued executive actions to loosen regulations and to stop cost-sharing payments. This is designed to sabotage ACA provisions and will raise premiums, deny access to health care for millions of Americans, including those with pre-existing conditions. This could result in the collapse of the individual health insurance market and our health care system as we know it. Off the cliff we go, being led by an unhinged madman.
We must act now in California to do everything we can to ensure our citizens do not become victim to President Trump’s spiteful tactics.
The major health care debate in California recently has centered around the single payer legislation passed in the Senate. I support
The fight for single payer should continue in California and nationally with the Medicare for All push, which I also support. However, we are in an urgent moment, with our health care system on the brink of failure and there is an intermediate and immediate step we should take to ensure our citizens are protected from Trump’s disastrous policies. While California has one of the strongest and most competitive exchanges set up by the ACA, Trump’s actions threaten to destabilize this. We should immediately create a “Medi-Cal public option” to ensure
As an Assemblywoman, I’ll make it my top priority to fight back against what’s happening in Washington and lead here in California with progressive health care policy that sets the standard for the country. I’ve seen, firsthand, that when we put our minds to something and work toward a common purpose, we can create the change we want to see.

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Buffy Wicks for Assembly 2024. FPPC #1456909