I’m Buffy’s first community endorser. Will you join me?

Jun 27, 2017 | Blog

By Sonia Sinton-Clark

Sonia and Buffy

The world is full of people telling you, “It can’t be done,” and “That’s just the way it is.” They tell you it’s not worth trying, that you don’t understand. Anyone who has had the courage to stand up and say they want something better knows what I mean.

But sometimes people come along who ignore the haters. They look at problems not as dead ends, but as opportunities to create meaningful change in people’s lives.

Buffy Wicks is one of those people, and that’s why I’m proud to be her first community endorser. Buffy didn’t just work, as I did, to elect Barack Obama President. She created the groundbreaking organizing model that galvanized hundreds of thousands of organizers and volunteers to send him to the White House – and she did it from right here in Oakland.

Please join me in endorsing Buffy – and tell us a few reasons why. 

Then, when Buffy joined Obama in the White House as an aide, she tuned out the haters and didn’t accept half-measures when there were setbacks. She worked with people like me who were fighting on the ground for universal healthcare, and that’s why we were able to pass the Affordable Care Act – together.

I didn’t know it then, but the passage of ACA and the grassroots work it took to win ended up being very important to me, in a personal way. Because if it weren’t for health reform, I wouldn’t have been able to get insurance when I was pregnant with my daughter. But I was able to gain insurance because of Obamacare, just like five million other Californians, and today my girl is two and a half years old, healthy, and the joy of my family’s life.

Will you join me in endorsing our campaign for Buffy for Assembly? It’s our voices and grassroots power that are going to win this election. So please click here to endorse her and share some reasons why.

Today, our healthcare security is under threat, but Buffy knows we can resist by passing even stronger legislation, like single payer, right here in California. And she knows the only way we can win this is with a strong grassroots campaign for Assembly and universal health care that Donald Trump can’t take away.

That’s why her second endorsement announcement after progressive champion Senator Kamala Harris isn’t another bold-faced name. It’s me, the woman knocking on your door, taking my daughter to organizing meetings, fighting alongside people like Buffy to stand up for the working people of the East Bay.

Let’s do this together. Click here to be Buffy’s next community endorser. 

Buffy Wicks Assemblymember Logo

Buffy Wicks for Assembly 2024. FPPC #1456909